Oblivion Soul Gems Codes Colossal Black Soul Gem - 000C6988 1: The NPC's level in comparison to player, The Elder Scrolls IV Spawn indicated item player.additem 1 Greater Soul Gem (with lesser soul) 000382D8 PC onlysorry.
As this is a journeyman-level spell, you must have a restoration skill level of at least 50 to cast it.
Several priests and priestesses throughout Cyrodiil sell the "cure disease" spell, including resident clergy in Leyawiin, Bruma, Cheydinhal, Anvil, Skingrad, Bravil and Chorrol.
Now, you can't use any old soul gem to capture a person's soul. You then can use the soul of the trapped creature to make your boots glow in the dark, or whatever you want to do with them.
Soul gems start out empty, and in order to fill them, you have to kill a creature while it has the soul-capturing spell on it.
Most of the following spells and effects are taken from the Prima Guide, but the ranges and durations listed in the Guide are not the same as those that appear in the.
Soul Trap: it's not just for critters and deranged dieties anymore suck the soul right out of 'em and use it to power up your magical items.