
Morrowind better walking animation
Morrowind better walking animation

morrowind better walking animation

Combat is almost an afterthought in Morrowind, it's a barely realized gameplay mechanic. So what are the core gameplay mechanics of Morrowind? It's really *not* the combat. And aside from running around and picking stuff up, it's the overwhelming majority of the gameplay. But what's the critical difference, as far as gameplay is concerned? Hunting robots in HZD is fun, engaging, and immersive. Of all of these games, Morrowind is most like Horizon: Zero Dawn.

morrowind better walking animation

But I think there's a key lesson to be learned here.

morrowind better walking animation

Not obviously Uncharted is an odd man out in this set of games because it's not an RPG.

morrowind better walking animation

There's no real inventory to deal with, there's no dialog choices, the levels are linear so there's not really much in the way of exploring. Sure, there's picking up ammo, and swapping guns sometimes, and hunting down treasures if you are trying to get that trophy, but almost all of player time is spent on the core gameplay. In Baldur's Gate they are inventory management, trading, and clicking through seemingly limitless UI elements. In Horizon they are crafting, foraging/scavenging, dialog, trading, etc. In Horizon and Baldur's Gate, there's also a ton of side activities that the player has to deal with. Seems weird to mention dialog as a "gameplay activity" but if you've played that series, you know it's true. In Baldur's Gate the activities are combat and dialog. In Horizon, the activities are fighting robots, and a second activity that could be noted is exploring. Puzzles is a third, it's definitely another thing you do in that game, but I'm not going to really address that here. For Uncharted that would be gunfights and platforming, the game has two very specific gameplay mechanics. When you are playing games, there's usually a set of different activities you do, but there's generally only one or two activities that make up the actual gameplay. And then putting all of that in context with OpenMW. This is inspired by a lifetime of playing games, but more specifically by my recent experiences playing three particular games: Baldur's Gate, Horizon: Zero Dawn, and the Uncharted series. This is a brain dump I've been wanting to write up for a long time.

Morrowind better walking animation